Parents » Nurse's Corner

Nurse's Corner

Click on the guidance below to be redirected to the cdc website and additional guidance regarding respiratory viruses.
Respiratory Virus Guidance
Per the I.D.C.S. Parent handbook:
● Illness: Exempted by the IDCS school nurse due to COVID, fever, vomiting, or other illness. ( Please call me 860-892-1900)
● Health concerns such as illnesses or doctor’s appointments: A note from a medical professional is required for absence to be considered excused. A physician’s note is always required if the student is with illness more than five days in a row. If your child is out on two or more days preceding a weekend and does not return to school on Monday, the weekend days are counted in the five-day period. If your child’s physician will not examine your child or provide a note for return to school, please call our school nurse, Peggy Rankowitz, R.N. at (860) 892-1900 x 431 to arrange clearance for your child’s return to school. 

COVID 19 continues to be a factor in our health. The best action is to be vaccinated to help control and mitigate the disease. Vaccines are now available for all starting at 6 months of age. In September there is a plan for a booster for the most current strain of COVID 19. It appears like influenza we will continue to see COVID 19 but it is controllable with good health hygiene and vaccines. Please see the below website for the most current information on COVID 19 including vaccines and illness protocols.

Home test kits

Please check expiration dates on your test kits you may have at home. › media › download

Test kits may be purchased at most Walmart/ Target, grocery stores, and Pharmacy locations over the counter. 

COVID and FLU Clinics 


The school nurse maintains a Cumulative Health Record
For each student in a school. A required part of this record is documentation of annual physicals, illnesses and immunizations. Please request documentation for the school nurse with each doctor’s visit. This record must be kept current and updated especially at times of transfer to other schools, i.e. moving to high school.

Outdoor time is important at IDCS from physical education to class time, garden time and recess. Please remember seasonally appropriate clothing- we do ask for a sweatshirt or sweater daily or to be kept in class, since we do have air conditioning and sometimes the building feels cold. We encourage boots on rainy days and shorts on hot days and remember all that cold gear when it gets chilly. Fresh air and free time help those bodies.

Please also remember safe closed toed shoes/ or sneakers for P.E. and recess.


Health Screenings
Vision, Auditory, and Scoliosis Screenings in schools are mandated by Connecticut General Statutes. These will be completed each school year at the discretion of the school nurse. See below for more information.

Auditory Screenings
Section 10-214 of the CGS requires that each local or regional board of education shall provide annually audiometric screening for hearing to each pupil in kindergarten and grades one and three to five, inclusive. Additionally, hearing screenings are part of required school health assessments prior to entry into school, in the 6th or 7th grade and again in the 9th or 10th grade.

Scoliosis Screenings
Postural screening consists of screening for postural abnormalities. Section 10-214 of the Connecticut General Statutes (CGS) specify that postural screening be done for (1) each female student in grades five and seven, and (2) each male student in grade eight or nine.

Vision Screenings
Vision screening as mandated under Section 10-214 of the Connecticut General Statutes (CGS) consists of a screening for distance visual acuity.  Vision screenings are required annually to each student in kindergarten, grades one and three to five, inclusive.  Vision screenings are also mandated as part of school health assessments under Section 10-206 of the CGS prior to school enrollment, in grade 6 or 7.  The purpose of these screenings are to identify children with potential visual difficulties that may affect learning ability and school adjustment.