If You Are Sick
We all get sick... Let's do our part to stay well and not spread our germs!

Clean Spaces
Keeping a clean environment helps limit spread.
Wipe down counters, desks and other surfaces Daily or if soiled. Remember your kitchen and bathroom.
Keep away from other family members who may not be sick.
Wash bed sheets, blankets and clothing with hot soapy water will help contain the germs.
Cover Your Cough
Masks can be picked up from the nurse, if you forget one.
IT is uncomfortable to talk about and to have. It is defined as loose or liquid stool occurring 2 or more times in 24 hours. It is wise to stay home as this is your body trying to clear a germ. Severe cases may require medical help and it can be contagious. Please give your body 24 hours after the symptoms stop before returning to school.
An ounce of Prevention - Germs, viruses and bacteria mainly travel by cough touch and body fluids:
cough- through the air to others eyes, noses, mouths
touch- contaminated hands touching surfaces that others then touch
Direct contact with blood or body fluids.
Washing hands, covering coughs, staying home to rest-(limit television and computer time), good personal hygiene, eating small healthy meals, keeping hydrated, will help prevent and shorten illnesses.
Germs Hate Clean Hands
Sing Happy Birthday song 2 times when washing hands.Handwashing before and after eating, using the bathroom, coughing or sneezing helps limit the spread of germs.
Encourage students to use hand sanitizer when a quick sanitizing is needed but remember next time to wash with soap and water to help remove build up of sanitizer, dirt and grime.
Stay Home if You are Sick
- Fever, nausea, diarrhea, vomiting, coughing.
- REST. HYDRATE. Please rest at least 24 hours after symptoms stop.
- Please contact your healthcare provider, to make sure you are not contagious.
- Request a letter if seen for school, with return date.
Get vaccinated. Everyone aged 6 months and older is eligible for the COVID vaccine. The world has learned this will make a difference.