Food Services » Food Services

Food Services


The Integrated Day Charter School has applied and been approved for the Community Eligibility Provision.

What does this mean for you?



We are encouraging ALL families to participate in this program!

CONTACT: Ashley Pagan, Food Services Manager – [email protected]

How does it work?

Breakfast @ IDCS: available 7:45 a.m. – 8:10 a.m.  Students will receive breakfast as they come in the main entrance, no pre-order required.  

Lunch @ IDCS: available during student’s regular lunchtime.  Students should order in their classrooms every morning. We are encouraging parents of students in grades K/1 to send a note with their child for ordering. 


What is served?

All school meals served reflect nutrition standards established by the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA). These standards are based on the Dietary Guidelines for Americans and provide 1/3 of the daily recommended amounts of 8 essential nutrients and limits on fats, calories and sodium at lunch, and ¼ of the recommended amounts at breakfast. Fresh, local, seasonal fruits and vegetables are served whenever possible. 


At lunch, students are offered five different meal components in age appropriate portions: 

  • Meat or meat alternates including cheese, eggs or beans/legumes 
  • Whole grain rich grains including rice, pasta, breads and rolls 
  • Fruits: fresh, canned in natural juice or light syrup, frozen, or dried 
  • Vegetables: fresh, canned, or frozen 
  • Milk: 1% unflavored or fat free flavored 


Each meal must include at least 3 different components including at least one fruit or vegetable serving. 


At breakfast, students are offered the same five types of foods, a breakfast meal must include at least 1 fruit serving plus 2 other component servings.



Served Daily from 7:30 a.m. to 8:00 a.m.
Students are required to choose 3 of the 4 components offered daily, one of which must be a fruit component.  Menu is subject to change.
Component 1 Component 2 Component 3 Component 4
WG Muffin/ Danish, WG Cereal,
or Grahams
Yogurt, Cheese Stick,
or Hard-Boiled Egg
Fresh Fruit
and/or 100% Fruit Juice
Served on all Full Days of School from 11:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. in three "waves", see below
Both the "Grab and Go"  and Hot Lunches are served with Milk, Fruit & Veggies.  Adult "Grab and Go" includes an extra Fruit or Veggie and the choice of a Milk or a Bottled Water.  Students are required to choose 3 of the 5 components offered, one of which must be a veggie or a fruit component.  All lunches for students range from 600-650 calories if the student consumes 5 of the 5-6 components offered.  If the student chooses only the "required" 3 components, the calories are lower.  Most students will be hungry within a few hours if they do not consume the calories offered.  Food is your fuel!  Menu is subject to change.
Daily "Grab and Go" options:
Deli Sandwich Lunch * Salad Lunch * Meatless Lunch * 
A la carte items:
Milk (1%, or FF Chocolate): $.50 * Switch: $1.00 * Ice Cream: $1.00 * Cookies $.75 * Chips $.75
1st Wave
11:00 a.m. to 11:30 a.m.
2nd Wave
11:45 a.m. to 12:15 p.m.
3rd Wave
12:30 p.m. to 1:00 p.m.
Ms. Maletz K/1
Mrs. Williams K/1
Mrs. Temple 2/3
Ms. White 4/5
Mr. Cyr 7/8
Ms. Battista 7/8
Mrs. Adams-Barrientos
Mrs. McOmber 2/3
Ms. Lindstrom 4/5
Ms. Gant 7/8
Mrs. Shaw 2/3
Ms. Bouregy 4/5
Ms. Grant 6
Mrs. Hawk 6
Mrs. Cronin 7/8