Mrs. Amanda Hicks » Staff Bio & Interview

Staff Bio & Interview

Name: Amanda Hicks

Position: Reading Teacher

Number of Years @ IDCS: Since January 2, 1998

What is the most inspiring part of your job?

My passion has always been helping students unlock the magic of reading! I love helping kids learn and understand the components of reading. Their learning and progress is inspiring:) 

Family, Pets, Home:

I live with my husband and 2 children. My daughter, Abby, is 18 and my son, Colby, is almost 16. We have an African Ring-Necked Dove named Ranger. She is a rescue from the Audubon Society. 

Who is someone you admire and why? 

I admire the founders of IDCS. I am grateful for their passion about education and taking a leap of faith to start IDCS. I am thankful to have had the professional career I have had here as a 1st/2nd grade teacher and then as the Reading Teacher. I am thankful that they chose to invest in students’ educations as well as educators’ careers.  I feel lucky to work here:)   

If you had to eat only one food for the rest of your life what would it be? 

I do LOVE pizza and could eat it for the rest of my life. There are so many options!