Ms. Allie Grant » Staff Bio & Interview

Staff Bio & Interview

Name: Allie Grant  
Position: Sixth Grade Teacher 
Number of Years @ IDCS: 2
Hobbies, Skills, Talents OR what do you like to do when you are not working? 
I enjoy kayaking, reading, hanging out at home, or going for a drive. I also love to travel.  I enjoy experiencing new and different cultures. 
Who is someone you admire and why?
I admire my Grandfather, Teptep, because he is a very hard worker, kind, thoughtful, the list could go on and on... I have admired him my whole life. He is a quiet but strong person.  Teptep is also known for many words of wisdom.  Some are “You’re no more of a person if you do well at something, no less of a person if you fail.” “Just think, tomorrow at this time the trouble will be behind you”  “You don’t ever have to cross the street for anyone.(Meaning keep holding your head high)”  
What is something you want to learn more about?   
I want to learn another language.  I would love to learn Spanish and then be able to travel to different Spanish speaking countries.